macrocephala from LC-PT was browser with a predilection for C3 plants, and H. hesternus from both sites had a browser diet with a preference for C3-C4 plants, while H. Microwear and δ13C values indicate that C. gracilis from two fossil sites (LC-PT, and LP-SA) in west-central Mexico, gaining knowledge about camelids palaeoecology (diet and habitat). It analysed dental microwear and carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in teeth enamel of C. flavescens, is proposed.įossil camelids (Artiodactyla, Camelidae) record for Mexican Late Pleistocene is constituted by Camelops hesternus, Hemiauchenia macrocephala, Hemiauchenia gracilis, and Palaeolama mirifica. berlandieri, associated with bodies of water inhabited by K. By the same token, the presence of xerophytic thickets and desert areas suitable for G. The potential climatic conditions based on the distribution model and the current habitats of these turtles suggest that the climate was warmer with similar precipitation (21.99 ☌ mean annual temperature and 623 mm mean annual precipitation) in comparison to the current ones (17 ☌ mean annual temperature and 622.2 mm mean annual precipitation). We performed a paleoclimatic reconstruction of the Valsequillo Basin using the Mutual Ecogeographic Range (MER) method, given that in this area the fossil material was identified to species level, including K. This record supplements their occurrence in the country, being common inhabitants of central Mexico. A comparative study with selected specimens of extant and extinct turtles revealed that the fossil sample evidences two families (Kinosternidae and Testudinidae), three genera (Kinosternon, Gopherus, and aff. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 267(1), 117-124.We describe and identify fossil material of turtles recovered from several Pleistocene localities of Hidalgo and Puebla. A Speiballen from the lower jurassic posidonia shale of South Germany. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 68-76. Report on the mode of reproduction of certain species of Ichthyosaurus from the Lias of England and Wurtemberg.

VIII.-Notice of what appears to be the Embryo of an Ichthyosaurus in the pelvic cavity of Ichthyosaurus (communis?). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1854), 20170241. Pre-versus post-mass extinction divergence of Mesozoic marine reptiles dictated by time-scale dependence of evolutionary rates. Terrestrial origin of viviparity in Mesozoic marine reptiles indicated by Early Triassic embryonic fossils. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19(3), 473-496. First diagnostic marine reptile remains from the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic): a new ichthyosaur from southwestern Germany. Festreden gehalten im naturgeschichtlichen Museum zu Frankfurt am Main: und als ein Beitrag zur Feier der 25jährigen Stiftung der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft am 22. von Huene, 1922 (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) aus dem unteren Jura Westeuropas. Revision der Gattung Stenopterygius Jaekel, 1904 emend. Soft-tissue evidence for homeothermy and crypsis in a Jurassic ichthyosaur. Skin pigmentation provides evidence of convergent melanism in extinct marine reptiles. Extinction of fish-shaped marine reptiles associated with reduced evolutionary rates and global environmental volatility. Earth-Science Reviews, 103965.įischer, V.

A review of ichthyosaur (Reptilia, Ichthyopterygia) soft tissues with implications for life reconstructions.

Trophic niche ontogeny and palaeoecology of early Toarcian Stenopterygius (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria). Patreon: Facebook: Instagram: Contacto oficial: única: ĭick, D. Así que no te pierdas la ficha del más importante de estos reptiles marinos extintos. Estos pequeñines son súper importantes para entender mejor a los ictiosaurios y particularmente a los más avanzados, desde sus tejidos, coloraciones, dieta y más, mucho más. Hoy les traemos un tema seleccionado por nuestros mecenas de Patreon, la paleoficha de Stenopterygius: un ictiosaurio, pero no cualquiera, no.