[See also: 12 Gmail keyboard shortcuts you should be using, and how keyboard shortcuts could revive America's economy. Have fun increasing your productivity, and remember to practice using Brainscape's adaptive Keyboard Shortcuts flashcards! Select multiple cells: Hold Shift while moving arrow keys.Start a new line in the same cell: Alt + Enter.Skip cursor to last contiguous entry in row/column: Cmd + arrow keys.Replace entire selected 1-column range with value from top entry: Cmd + d.Place cursor inside highlighted cell’s contents: (fn) F2.Essential Excel shortcuts and Google Sheets shortcuts Check out the full list of my favorite shortcuts below! Learning these Google Sheets and Excel shortcuts will make your life easier and boost productivity. Sheets allows users to create and edit files online while collaboration with other users in real time. Its offered in Google Drive service, together with Docs and Slides. This list below is for the aspiring shortcuts pros. Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program developed by Google. Note that I have excluded obvious shortcuts like Bold (Cmd + B), Undo (Cmd + Z), and Copy (Cmd + C). Most of these work for both Excel and Google Sheets, but you should try all of them for yourself in order to experience your own eureka moments. I have included my eight most essential spreadsheet shortcuts below.

Check that out if you want to make better use of your down time during commutes or bathroom breaks, to improve your productivity for when you're back at the office or library. To combat this horrific carpal-tunnel-inducing behavior, Brainscape has made a web/mobile Keyboard Shortcuts flashcards app that drills you on all the Excel shortcuts and Google Sheets shortcuts that you need to know. Essential Excel shortcuts and Google Sheets shortcuts Place cursor inside highlighted cells contents: (fn) F2 Cancel cell changes in mid-typing: Esc Select. But we waste so much of its potential productivity benefits by excessively using the mouse! The spreadsheet has arguably been one of the most important productivity tools ever created-particularly with the advent of real-time collaborative programs like Google Sheets.